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How to Tell if You Have a Real Diamond

How to Tell if You Have a Real Diamond Brittany's Fine Jewelry Gainesville FL

If you’ve recently received a new piece of diamond jewelry, you have probably wondered if the diamond is real or not. It’s difficult to judge the quality of a real diamond without the right tools, but there are some at-home tests you can perform if you’re curious.

At Brittany’s Fine Jewelry, you can trust that all of our diamond jewelry has been sourced from the most reputable jewelry distributors and is of the highest quality.

We have outlined a few of the characteristics of diamonds and some at-home tests you can do to tell if you have a real diamond or not.

Real Diamond Characteristics

A common myth is that the only real diamonds are diamonds that are mined from the ground. The truth is, synthetic diamonds are just as real as mined diamonds. They share the same properties and chemical composition of their mined counterparts, and given the demand for diamonds, a lab-created diamond is usually lower in price.

Synthetic Diamonds Vs. Natural Diamonds

  • InclusionsInclusions are tiny imperfections that are spotted in a diamond. They are common in most natural diamonds and synthetic diamonds. In natural diamonds, they show up in a variety of ways, either due to the way the diamond was formed, the surrounding geological environment, or other factors. In synthetic diamonds, they usually occur as a result of how the crystal was grown. Inclusions are one of the most effective ways for jewelers to tell the difference between synthetic and natural diamonds.
  • Source – Natural diamonds and synthetic diamonds are sourced in different ways. Natural diamonds are mined from deep underground and refined in a series of processes. Synthetic diamonds are created in a lab under very controlled circumstances to avoid any imperfections.
  • Pattern – Growth patterns in natural and synthetic diamonds are vastly different. Synthetic diamonds are created with a process called HPHT Synthesis. This process gives synthetic diamonds a pattern of cubic and octahedral faces. Natural diamonds will have triangular growth patterns, known as trigons.

Real Diamond Testing Methods

While no at-home test will replace professional diamond appraisal, there are some tests you can do to give a clue to whether or not you have a real diamond.

The Fog Test

The high carbon content of diamonds makes them excellent conductors of heat. If you huff a breath of warm, moist air on a diamond, a fog will appear. The fog should dissipate immediately if it’s a real diamond. If not, it is likely a “fake” diamond made of glass or cubic zirconia.

Diamond Fluorescence

diamond fluorescence real diamond

Diamond fluorescence occurs when the diamond is exposed to long wave UV light and lets off a “glow”. Natural diamonds will emit a blue glow, whereas “fake” diamonds usually won’t emit a glow. It’s important to know, however, that only 25% to 35% of diamonds emit any sort of fluorescence. Diamond fluorescence should always be used in conjunction with other testing methods.

Water Test

Diamonds are extremely dense, as they are created from carbon molecules under very high pressure. The water test is meant to test the density of a diamond. Fill a glass of water and drop the diamond in. If it sinks to the bottom immediately, it’s real. If not, you might have a fake on your hands.

Find Out if You Have a Real Diamond at Brittany’s

A professional diamond appraisal is the only sure way to know if you have a real diamond or not. At Brittany’s Fine Jewelry, our team of experienced jewelers use a variety of techniques to test your diamond. Our methods include high profile weighing, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity. Let our team of experts help you find out if your diamond is real, and if not, you can find real diamond jewelry in our store. Contact us today!